Semenjak diaktifkan kembali, pengelolaan kereta api pun semakin
membaik. Gerbong yang makin nyaman, toilet yang bersih, lengkapi dengan AC dan musik, serta berbagai
pembenahan di semua stasiun.
Untuk harga tiket kereta api reguler Sibinuang jadwal keberangkatan dua kali sehari pulang pergi. Untuk keberangkatan
dari Padang pada pukul 06.00 wib dan 14.00 wib. Dan keberangkatan dari
Pariaman pada pukul 08.50 wib dan 16.30 wib. Harga tiket Rp 2.500.
Jadwal Kereta Api Padang Pariaman
KA Reguler, Tiket Rp 2.500
Padang-Pariaman: Pukul 06.00 wib dan 14.00 wib
Pariaman-Padang: Pukul 08.50 wib dan 16.20 wib
Padang-Pariaman: Pukul 06.00 wib dan 14.00 wib
Pariaman-Padang: Pukul 08.50 wib dan 16.20 wib
Hari : Setiap hari
KA Wisata, Tiket Rp 20.000
Padang-Pariaman: pukul 08.30 wibPariaman-Padang: pukul 16.50 wib
Padang-Pariaman: pukul 08.30 wibPariaman-Padang: pukul 16.50 wib
Hari : Sabtu dan Minggu
Harga tiket kereta api yang murah ini sangat membantu bagi mahasiswa,
karena cukup menghemat pengeluaran. Terutama bagi mahasiswa yang
berasal dari Pariaman dan Padang Pariaman.
Tidak hanya untuk mahasiswa, bepergian wisata ke Pariaman tentu
menjadi lebih murah, mudah dan nyaman bagi para wisatawan, dan tentunya
akan berefek pada meningkatnya kunjungan wisata ke Pariaman.
Di Hari Kereta Api Nasional ini, kita berharap semoga perkereta apian
di Indonesia khususnya Sumatera Barat semakin membaik. Apalagi jika
keindahan alam Sumatera Barat dapat dilalui jalur kereta api, tentu akan
menjadi nilai wisata tersendiri
This is how my partner Wesley Virgin's adventure launches in this SHOCKING and controversial VIDEO.
BalasHapusAs a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "mind control" tactics that the CIA and others used to get everything they want.
As it turns out, these are the same SECRETS lots of famous people (especially those who "come out of nowhere") and top business people used to become rich and successful.
You probably know how you use only 10% of your brain.
Really, that's because the majority of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.
Perhaps this expression has even occurred IN YOUR very own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head 7 years ago, while riding an unregistered, beat-up garbage bucket of a vehicle without a license and with $3.20 on his debit card.
"I'm very fed up with going through life paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally succeed?"
You've taken part in those types of thoughts, ain't it right?
Your success story is going to start. All you need is to believe in YOURSELF.
Do you understand there is a 12 word sentence you can tell your crush... that will induce intense emotions of love and impulsive attractiveness to you buried within his chest?
BalasHapusBecause deep inside these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's instinct to love, worship and protect you with his entire heart...
====> 12 Words Who Trigger A Man's Desire Response
This instinct is so hardwired into a man's genetics that it will drive him to try better than before to take care of you.
Matter of fact, fueling this all-powerful instinct is absolutely essential to getting the best possible relationship with your man that once you send your man a "Secret Signal"...
...You will instantly find him expose his soul and mind to you in a way he's never expressed before and he'll identify you as the one and only woman in the universe who has ever truly attracted him.